Autumn Convention
The Cheshire BKA are proud to present their:
Autumn Convention & Annual Honey Show
1899 – 2024: Celebrating 125 years!
Saturday 12th October 2024
8:30am to 4:00pm
Forest Hills Hotel, Overton Hill, Frodsham, WA6 6HH
Sponsored by: Hatton Lodge Apiary, H J Lea Oakes, & Sydney Hollinshead
Click HERE for the Honey Show schedule and to enter the show
8.30am – 9:30 am Staging of Honey Show exhibits
9.30 am Reception with Coffee & Biscuits
9.50 Welcome from Cheshire BKA Chair Pete Sutcliffe
10.00 The Bob Parsonage Memorial Lecture:
Norman Carreck NDB
150 Years of British Bee Research
11.15 Refreshments
11.45 The Michael Minter Memorial Lecture
Lynfa Davies NDB
Drones: their role in the colony and why we should
encourage them.
13.00: Lunch
14.15 The Bill Corbett Memorial Lecture
Graham Royle NDB
My bees don’t read the same books!
15.30 Refreshments and Raffle Draw
15.45 Presentation of Cups & Honey Judges’ Comments
Visit Honey Exhibits
Removal of Exhibits
Click HERE to book your Convention tickets and lunch
Grand Raffle with fantastic prizes
2-course lunch
Book stall & Equipment stall
Please Note: All past winners of trophies are requested to return them on or prior to the show in a clean condition
Speaker Profiles:
Norman Carreck NDB has been keeping bees for more than forty years, and has been a bee research scientist for more than thirty. He has lectured about bees on all continents where bees are kept, he is widely published and has appeared in the media in many countries. Norman was Senior Editor of the Journal of Apicultural Research from 2007-2018 and a Science Director of the International Bee Research Association from 2009-2018. He obtained the National Diploma in Beekeeping in 1996, was elected a Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society in 2004, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology in 2011. He is a Trustee of the C B Dennis British Beekeepers Research Trust, Examinations Moderator for the NDB and is the UK member of the Executive Committee of the international honey bee research network “COLOSS”. Norman is currently a director of Carreck Consultancy Ltd and Bee Publishing Ltd as well as being Editor of Beekeepers Quarterly. He is based at the University of Sussex.
Lynfa Davies NDB began beekeeping in 2005 and with the help of her husband, Rob keeps approximately 20 colonies. She is a member of Aberystwyth and District Beekeepers’ Association and she is also part of the Learning and Education Committee of the Welsh Beekeepers’ Association. After progressing through the BBKA modules she became a Master Beekeeper in 2015 and gained the National Diploma in Beekeeping in 2019. She actively participates in training beekeepers and speaking to groups locally and nationally. Lynfa is a Basic and General Husbandry assessor and regularly contributes towards writing the BBKA module exams. She also writes regularly for beekeeping magazines and is the
author of a number of works including Practical small-scale queen rearing using the Miller method.
Graham Royle NDB has been beekeeping since 1988 and started to study for the BBKA examinations in 1995 when he decided he wanted to know more about the bees he was keeping. His studies resulted in him achieving the BBKA
Master Beekeeper certificate in 2002 and subsequently, the National Diploma in Beekeeping in 2004. Graham was also awarded the Wax Chandlers’ Prize in 2002. Graham has taught extensively in microscopy and honey bee health and is
the author of Apis through the looking glass. He has also served as Regional Bee Inspector for the North West, and is a past Chairman of Cheshire Beekeepers’ Association.