About the CBKA
Cheshire Beekeepers’ Association (CBKA) is a registered charity. We have been helping beekeepers keep bees since 1899. You can find more about the history of the formation of the Association here.
The objectives of the charity are to promote and further the craft of beekeeping in Cheshire. The Association endeavours to do this for the benefit of both its members and the public. We do this by providing support, education and training for beekeepers at all levels. We also promoting and provide educational initiatives in beekeeping to a wider audience. This includes participation in local shows and events, presentations to interested groups including schools and special interest groups. The association also provides a swarm co-ordination and collection service which helps to promote the responsible face of beekeeping.
The annual programme of events and activities reflects the commitment by the association trustees’ to the charitable purpose of CBKA, and to ensure a benefit to the wider public.
The association has five branches spread across the county of Cheshire. Each branch organises meetings and events throughout the year.